The Love Wins Companion: A Study Guide For Those Who Want to Go Deeper

The Love Wins Companion: A Study Guide For Those Who Want to Go Deeper
О книге

For anyone who wants to delve deeper into Rob Bell’s bestselling Love Wins, the expansive and accessible Love Wins Companion offers scholarly support and critiques, resources for individuals, groups, and classes, and brand new material by Rob Bell himself.As Love Wins continues to become a touchstone for thousands of readers worldwide, controversy surrounds the book’s arguments. Here, in The Love Wins Companion, Rob Bell offers commentary on the positive and negative attention his groundbreaking book is receiving, delivering a crucial supplement to one of the most important books Christian books today.• For those looking to go deeper with Rob Bell’s bestselling pioneering book Love Wins, this companion offers:• Insights and commentary by theologians, Bible scholars, scientists, and pastors• Deep analysis of all relevant Bible passages on heaven, hell, and salvation• Detailed chapter summaries, discussion questions, and Bible studies for individuals, groups, and classes• Excerpts from works throughout Christian history illustrating the variety of teachers also debating the issues Bell wrestles with• New material by Bell on his mission for the book and how people can take the next step

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Love Wins Companion

A Study Guide for

Those Who Want to Go Deeper


Edited By David Vanderveen



Title Page

Chapter Three - Hell

Overview by Rob Bell

Going Deeper by David Vanderveen

Bible Study: (Almost) Everything the Bible Says About Hell

Group Exercise: The Hell Download

Discussion Questions

Reading: Becoming a Deep Reader of Scripture by Clayton Libolt

Reading: Hell on Earth by Shayne Moore

Chapter Four - Does God Get What God Wants?

Overview by Rob Bell

Going Deeper by David Vanderveen

Bible Study: “All Things”

Discussion Questions

Reading: The Secret by Peter Rollins

Reading: What Is Et ernal Life? by Pope Benedict XVI

Chapter Five - Dying to Live

Overview by Rob Bell

Going Deeper by David Vanderveen

Bible Study: The Metaphorical Riches of the Cross

Group Exercise: What Is the Gospel?

Discussion Questions

Reading: Melchizedek, the Magi, and Isa al-Masi by Glenn Parrish

Reading: Stingy Orthodoxy or Generous Orthodoxy? by Richard J. Mouw

Reading: Confession by Donald Miller

Chapter Six - There Are Rocks Everywhere

Overview by Rob Bell

Going Deeper by David Vanderveen

Bible Study: The Cosmic Christ

Group Exercise: Where Are the Rocks?

Discussion Questions

Reading: Playing with Rocks by Jack Heaslip

Reading: All Right. You Can Come In by Anne Lamott

Chapter Seven - The Good News Is Better Than That

Overview by Rob Bell

Going Deeper by David Vanderveen

Bible Study: Telling the Right Story

Discussion Questions

Reading: Trusting the Story God Is Telling by Cathleen Falsani

Chapter Eight - The End Is Here

Overview by Rob Bell

Going Deeper by David Vanderveen

Bible Study: Parables of Urgency

Discussion Questions

Reading - Do You Really Believe Anything Happens After You Die? by Frederick Buechner

The Wide Road Called Orthodoxy Selections from Historic Christian Teachers on Last Things

Q&A with Rob Bell: An Interview by David Vanderveen



About the Author


About the Publisher

Foreword Do Not Be Afraid

by Jack Heaslip

Do you know how many times the phrase “Do not be afraid” appears in the Bible? One website says it is 365 times. I prefer to say “lots of times.”

What has fear to do with a book on love? God’s love at that? Even before Love Wins was released, fear was at work. People had opinions about a book they hadn’t read. I was told I needed to be skeptical, suspicious, nervous, critical, afraid, but mostly “cautious.” Caution must be good, mustn’t it? The trouble is that caution can be fear dressed up to look right and proper and maybe a shade holy.

Fear also could be heard in the questions being asked. Is it okay to question God like that? Is he destroying faith? Why doesn’t he respect our tradition, our catechism?

If you are in a group, look around and see how many people show signs of fear and suspicion. Look in a mirror for the same signs.

Jesus said, “Do not be afraid.” Angels said, “Do not be afraid.” God said it too.

After all these things, this word of God came to Abram in a vision: “Don’t be afraid, Abram. I’m your shield. Your reward will be grand.” (Gen. 15:1, MSG)

But the angel assured her, “Mary, you have nothing to fear. God has a surprise for you.” (Luke 1:30, MSG)

But Jesus was quick to comfort them. “Courage, it’s me. Don’t be afraid.” (Matt. 14:27, MSG)

So why shouldn’t we be afraid? Because God can be trusted.

So with a God who can be trusted we can head off into new territory or a fresh experience of old territory. We can ask questions. We do not need to be afraid.

Because we can trust God and not be afraid, we are then free to love. Love is the bottom line!

Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a relationship with God. (1 John 4:7, MSG)

It is like love meeting love. Our shallow attempts at loving are embraced by God’s mighty love. That, for me, is powerful stuff. With that sort of confidence we can really go for the experience and the understanding of God.

There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love. (1 John 4:18, MSG)

God is love! It’s that simple, that profound.

Paul believed this. He gave the Corinthians a wonderful description of what our religion should involve and what it should look like: “For in Christ, neither our most conscientious religion nor disregard of religion amounts to anything. What matters is something far more interior: faith expressed in love” (Gal. 5:6, MSG).

Isn’t that brilliant? Religion and nonreligion are firmly put in their place by God’s love. And our intellects are given something to work on. Paul encourages us to think! It is okay to think! Sometimes our little gray cells are put on the back burner by those who want us to follow a faith they prescribe. It is good to unwrap a package. How can we receive the gift if we don’t delve a bit?

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