The Rebel Who Loved Her

The Rebel Who Loved Her
О книге

Is Mr Wrong the right choice now? Nurse Becky Williams has returned to Bride’s Bay and immediately collides with Dr Ewan MacLeod, the flirtatious rebel who once almost tempted her away from her fiancé. Her marriage didn’t last, and Ewan – although still very gorgeous – is a much changed man.Having passed him up once, single mum Becky can hardly offer herself to him now – especially as she’s unable to give him the one thing he wants: a child of his own. Except Becky hasn’t seen the depths of her one-time rebel’s heart…Bride’s Bay Surgery Juggling medicine with motherhood leaves little time for romance.But for three single mums Bride’s Bay has a magic that lives up to its name.

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‘Things just get on top of me at times, that’s all.’

‘It’s only to be expected after everything you’ve been through.’

The kindness in his voice brought more tears to her eyes and she blinked them away. ‘Perhaps. But I try to hold it together for Millie’s sake.’

‘I can understand that, but you can’t be brave all the time. It won’t do you any good in the long run.’

He touched her hand, his fingers lingering for just a moment before he turned to push the swing once more, but Becky felt a frisson of awareness race from her hand and travel through her entire body. It felt as though every cell was suddenly on fire, creating an immense amount of heat inside her. It had been ages since she had felt this way, she realised. Not since those first heady days when she had met Ewan at the hospital had a touch aroused her so swiftly, so completely.

Dear Reader

Can love overcome all obstacles?

That’s the question Becky and Ewan have to find the answer to in this final book of my Bride’s Bay Surgery series. Eight years ago they were deeply attracted to one another, but Becky realised that they wanted very different things out of life and married someone else. When she meets Ewan again she is shocked to discover that the old feelings she had for him are still very much alive. The fact that Ewan feels the same fills her with dread. She has nothing to offer Ewan these days.

Helping Becky and Ewan to find a way through their problems was a real joy, although I have to confess that I shed the odd tear when it looked as if they would never reach a solution! They are such a lovely couple that they deserved a happy ending, and I hope you will agree that I have given them that.

So … do I believe that love can overcome all obstacles? Yes, I do. I wouldn’t be writing romance novels if I didn’t believe it!

Love to you all


About the Author

JENNIFER TAYLOR lives in the north-west of England, in a small village surrounded by some really beautiful countryside. She has written for several different Mills & Boon>® series in the past, but it wasn’t until she read her first Medical Romance™ that she truly found her niche. She was so captivated by these heartwarming stories that she set out to write them herself! When she’s not writing, or doing research for her latest book, Jennifer’s hobbies include reading, gardening, travel, and chatting to friends both on and off-line. She is always delighted to hear from readers, so do visit her website at

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The Rebel Who Loved Her

Jennifer Taylor

Good friends are scarcer than hens’ teeth and I am very lucky to have some of the very best friends possible.

So a huge thank you to Barbara, Charlotte and Ted, Jeremy, and John.

Life wouldn’t be half as much fun without you all.


‘BECKY! HEY, BECKY … wait!’

Becky Williams stopped when she heard someone calling her name. Turning around, she peered at the faces of the other passengers gathered in the baggage hall of Heathrow Airport. The flight had been long and arduous despite the fact that her parents had insisted on upgrading her and Millie to business class. Twenty-plus hours non-stop from New Zealand would have been hard enough on her own, but it had been little short of gruelling with a small child in tow.

Becky sighed when Millie started to whimper. She cuddled her close, hoping it wouldn’t be too long before their pushchair appeared on the carousel. At fourteen months, Millie was getting quite heavy and Becky’s arms were aching from the long hours spent holding her as they had flown across the globe.

‘I thought it was you!’

All of a sudden a man was standing in front of her and Becky jumped. She stared at him in confusion. He was tall, several inches taller than her own not inconsiderable height, in fact, with dark brown hair and the most wonderful deep blue eyes. Although his face wasn’t classically handsome, there was something very appealing about those craggy features and the upward curve of his mouth that hinted at a well-developed sense of humour….

‘Don’t tell me you don’t recognise me. I’m gutted!’ He grinned at her, his face lighting up in a way that was all too familiar, and Becky gasped.

‘Ewan! Is it really you?’

‘It is indeed.’ He gave her a quick hug, his strong arms closing around her for the briefest of moments before he drew back. His blue eyes sparkled with laughter as he stared down at her. ‘Or at least I think it’s me. After all those hours in the air I’m not sure if I’m actually here or not!’

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