The Rules: How to Capture the Heart of Mr Right

The Rules: How to Capture the Heart of Mr Right
О книге

Now available as an ebook for the first time, the notorious dating handbook bought by millions of women is women's answer to THE GAME. Refreshingly blunt, astonishingly effective, and at times hilarious, THE RULES will show women who is a keeper and how to get 'a ring on it', if that is what they want.The Rules is infamous for telling women how to play hard-to-get: it has garnered more press attention than any relationship book. Should you really turn down any weekend date if he doesn't ask you before Wednesday? According to the Rules authors, Yes! By following THE RULES, the authors claim that you start treating yourself with respect and dignity – and demanding that men do likewise.Love may be blind, but Rules girls are not stupid! How does he act in the relationship? Is he cheap on dates? Is he critical of you? Remember, the Rules are not about marrying the first man you are attracted to who calls you by Wednesday for Saturday night and buys you flowers. It's about marrying your own personal Mr. Right – a man whom you love and whose character you admire and can live with.

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The Rules



Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider

To our wonderful husbands and great kids

Special thanks to Connie Clausen, Anne Hamilton and Myndie Friedman



Title Page

Chapter IThe History of The Rules
Chapter IIWhat Are The Rules?
Chapter IIIMeet a Rules Girl
Chapter IVBut First the Product—You!
Rule 1Be a “Creature Unlike Any Other”
Rule 2Don’t Talk to a Man First (and Don’t Ask Him to Dance)
Rule 3Don’t Stare at Men or Talk Too Much
Rule 4Don’t Meet Him Halfway or Go Dutch on a Date
Rule 5Don’t Call Him and Rarely Return His Calls
Rule 6Always End Phone Calls First
Rule 7Don’t Accept a Saturday Night Date after Wednesday
Rule 8Fill Up Your Time before the Date
Rule 9How to Act on Dates 1, 2, and 3
Rule 10How to Act on Dates 4 through Commitment Time
Rule 11Always End the Date First
Rule 12Stop Dating Him if He Doesn’t Buy You a Romantic Gift for Your Birthday or Valentine’s Day
Rule 13Don’t See Him More than Once or Twice a Week
Rule 14No More than Casual Kissing on the First Date
Rule 15Don’t Rush into Sex and Other Rules for Intimacy
Rule 16Don’t Tell Him What to Do
Rule 17Let Him Take the Lead
Rule 18Don’t Expect a Man to Change or Try to Change Him
Rule 19Don’t Open Up Too Fast
Rule 20Be Honest but Mysterious
Rule 21Accentuate the Positive and Other Rules for Personal Ads
Rule 22Don’t Live with a Man (or Leave Your Things in His Apartment)
Rule 23Don’t Date a Married Man
Rule 24Slowly Involve Him in Your Family and Other Rules for Women with Children
Rule 25Practice, Practice, Practice! (or, Getting Good at The Rules)
Rule 26Even if You’re Engaged or Married, You Still Need The Rules
Rule 27Do The Rules, Even when Your Friends and Parents Think It’s Nuts
Rule 28Be Smart and Other Rules for Dating in School
Rule 29Take Care of Yourself and Other Rules for Dating in College
Rule 30Next! and Other Rules for Dealing with Rejection
Rule 31Don’t Discuss The Rules with Your Therapist
Rule 32Don’t Break The Rules
Rule 33Do The Rules and You’ll Live Happily Ever After!
Rule 34Love Only Those Who Love You
Rule 35Be Easy to Live With

Last ButNot Least—12 Extra Hints

The Rules-at-a-Glance


About the Publisher

No one seems to remember exactly how The Rules got started, but we think they began circa 1917 with Melanie’s grandmother who made men wait nervously in her parents’ front room in a small suburb of Michigan. Back then, they called it “playing hard to get.” Whatever you call it, she had more marriage proposals than shoes. Grandma passed on her know-how to Melanie’s mother, who passed it on to Melanie. It had been a family treasure for nearly a century. But when Melanie got married in 1981, she freely offered this old-fashioned advice to her single college friends and co-workers, like us.

At first, Melanie whispered The Rules. After all, modern women aren’t to talk loudly about wanting to get married. We had grown up dreaming about being the president of the company, not the wife of the president. So, we quietly passed The Rules on from friend to friend, somewhat embarrassed because they seemed so, well, ’50s. Still, we had to face it: as much as we loved being powerful in business, for most of us, that just wasn’t enough. Like our mothers and grandmothers before us, we also wanted husbands who would be our best friends. Deep inside, if the truth be told, we really wanted to get married—the romance, the gown, the flowers, the presents, the honeymoon—the whole package. We didn’t want to give up our liberation, but neither did we want to come home to empty apartments. Who said we couldn’t have it all?

If you think The Rules are crazy, don’t worry, so did we. But after much heartache we came to believe that The Rules aren’t immoral or outlandish, just a simple working set of behaviors and reactions that, when followed, invariably serve to make most women irresistible to desirable men. Why not admit it? We needed The Rules! Nineties women simply have not been schooled in the basics—The Rules of finding a husband or at least being very popular with men.

Soon, we got bolder and began to talk louder. These Rules—they worked! Although they were old-fashioned and unflinching, they were extremely effective!

At first, we were uncomfortable with some of the premises which seemed to fly in the face of everything we’d been taught about male-female relations; but—there was no getting around it—success talked. We swallowed some of our preconceived theories, followed The Rules faithfully, and watched as so many of us got married (along with being career women or whatever else we were).

There we were—a secret underground, sharing the magic, passing it on, doing what historically women have done for each other since the world began—networking for success. This time, though, the stakes were larger and the victories sweeter than any corporate deal. We’re talking marriage here—real, lasting marriage, not just loveless mergers—the result of doing The Rules. The simple Rules. The How-to-Find-a-Great-Husband

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