Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business
О книге

When it comes to Rachel, Max makes an exception to his take-no-prisoners rule.He’ll hold her hostage as his secretary and settle old scores from their brief affair five years ago.Rachel needs Max as a client to keep her employment agency alive. But soon their reignited passion reveals the mystery of her past. Will their intimacy survive this time?

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“In my office.”

Pivoting on his heel, Max strode away down the hallway. He didn’t look back to see if she was following. He expected obedience. He’d always been bossy that way. Telling her where to put her hands, how to move her hips, the areas of his body that enjoyed her attention.

Her skin flushed. Desire found a warm and welcoming home inside her. She couldn’t move. What was she doing? Her memories of those four days with Max belonged in the tomb with all her girlish hopes and dreams. Indulging in lusty thoughts of Max was the height of stupidity if she hoped to cultivate a professional relationship with him.

Max disappeared around a corner. This was her chance to run. She’d been a fool to think she could ever put those magical days behind her. She should make some excuse.

No. Rachel squared her shoulders. She could do this. She had to do this. Her future required it.

Dear Reader,

When I found out Mills & Boon wanted to publish Meddling with a Millionaire, I was consumed with the idea of writing books about all three Case brothers. I have always been a fan of connected stories, and from the number of readers asking for Max’s story, I realized I wasn’t alone.

Although Unfinished Business is the third Case brother story, it was actually the second one I wrote. Max was so clear in my mind because he has such a hard time letting go of past wrongs. For me, he was the most frustrating of the three brothers. So naturally he was the most fun to write.

A stubborn man deserves a strong woman, and that’s what Max gets in Rachel Lansing. Misguided decisions in her past have created a woman who refuses to let anyone help her. And with everything going on in her life, Rachel can use some help.

Reunion stories are my favorite. Take two people who are passionate about each other, toss in something that tears them apart, let their anger stew for a few years and then serve up a situation that forces them to work together. Sounds like the perfect recipe for romance to me.

I hope you enjoy Max and Rachel’s story.

Happy reading.

Cat Schield


About the Author

CAT SCHIELD has been reading and writing romance since high school. Although she graduated from college with a BA in business, her idea of a perfect career was writing for Mills & Boon. And now, after winning the Romance Writers of America 2010 Golden Heart Award for series contemporary romance, that dream has come true. Cat lives in Minnesota with her daughter, Emily, and their Burmese cat. When she’s not writing sexy, romantic stories for Mills & Boon Desire™, she can be found sailing with friends on the St Croix River or in more exotic locales like the Caribbean and Europe. She loves to hear from readers. Find her at www.catschield.com. Follow her on Twitter @catschield.

Unfinished Business

Cat Schield


For my parents.

Your love and support have helped me follow my dreams.


“You.” The word came out as an unfriendly accusation.

“Hello, Max.”

Rachel Lansing had been bracing herself for this meeting all day, and now that it had arrived, it was so much worse than she’d imagined. Her heart stopped as the gunmetal gray of Max Case’s gaze slammed into her with all the delicacy of a sledgehammer.

She dug her fingernails into her palm as his broad shoulders loomed closer, blocking her view of the tastefully decorated lobby with its soothing navy-and-olive walls and stunning original art.

Was it her imagination or did Max seem bigger, more commanding than the creative lover that haunted her memories? Or maybe his presence overwhelmed her because in a charcoal business suit and silver tie, he was less approachable than the naked fantasy man that frequented her dreams.

Only the public nature of this reunion enabled her to subdue the flight impulse in her muscles. She rose from the comfortable couch in the reception area at a deliberate, unhurried pace. Keeping her body relaxed and her expression professional required a Herculean effort while her pulse jittered and her knees shook.

Pull yourself together. He won’t appreciate you melting into a puddle at his feet.

“Thank you for seeing me.” She stuck out her hand in a bid to restore her professional standing and wasn’t disappointed when Max ignored it. Her sweaty palm would betray her nerves to him.

When he remained mute, Rachel plowed into the tense silence. “How great that Andrea had her baby. And two weeks early. Sabrina told me she had a boy. I brought her this.” She raised her left hand to show him the pink and blue bag dangling from her fingers. She’d bought the gift for his assistant weeks ago and was disappointed she wouldn’t get to see Andrea’s expression when she opened it.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was supposed to meet with Andrea.”

“You’re with the employment agency?”

She whipped out a business card and extended it across the three feet that separated them. “I own it.” She made no attempt to disguise her pride at what she’d accomplished.

He rubbed his thumb over the lettering on the business card before glancing down. “Rachel … Lansing?”

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