Happy ticket. Russian story

Happy ticket. Russian story
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The plot of the story is simple. A friend gave the protagonist a birthday ticket for a birthday. Immediately it turned out that the ticket won 30 million rubles. Events begin to develop rapidly. But then it turns out that there is no gain, it’s a joke, a rally. The spiral unwinds in the opposite direction. But that’s not all, but the end itself promises to be good. Read the book on Ozone, Amazon, Litres, Bookmate and in mobile applications.


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© Leon Malin, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-3707-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Part 1

I love my birthdays. Since the morning you feel a surge of energy, a good mood, in a word, a birthday boy. Today, in spite of various small matters, I feel great. And this feeling can not even spoil my wife Nina. More precisely, she is not my wife, we live together. More precisely, I live on her living space. Apartment at Nina is big, three-roomed. We live together for several years. At present, however, our relations have deteriorated. Whose fault is it, I do not know. Probably common, fed up with each other. Less often, we began to fulfill “conjugal duties”. Sveya, Nina’s sister, is driving her wedge into our relationship, I did not like her from the very beginning. Sophia lived not with us (fortunately), but we met quite often. Yes, and to talk on the phone sisters loved. In addition to Sophia (where without her) today’s party invited a friend of Nina Lena with her husband Roman. The novel with Lena was also not painted and lived in the so-called “civil marriage”. Friends were friends, we were friends, too, by “families”. Lena was an interesting and cheerful woman. She loved to sing and dance. With Lena (and her husband) it was always fun and at ease. Another friend of mine was invited, Vadim, because I had a birthday all the same. Vadim was a gambler, he liked to eat and drink. Especially at someone else’s expense, as Nina said. She also said the first toast today: “Dear Sergey, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you health, prosperity, good mood and happiness! “She kissed me and sat down. A gift from Nina was cooking and table setting, so she believed. Then Sofia congratulated: “Sergei! Congratulate you with Holliday. I wish all the best. I also wish you to pay more attention to the family, to your beautiful wife. Age, Serezha, you are no longer youthful (and older than me by 5 years), it’s time for you to stop working on empty projects, and find a good job and get decent money. It’s for you (she meant me and Nina) from me. “And she gave me an envelope with money. The table was laid well. Different salads, snacks, cold. A hot dish and dessert were expected. Bottles are also for different tastes. Vadim leaned against the white one. He rose up to congratulate me: “Seryozha, congratulations! I wish you all that you wish yourself. Well, of course, money. How much do you need for complete happiness? “I thought:" A couple million would suit me. " – “Total?” – “Yes, two million will suffice me for a few years.” “Well, then, hold on, – and Vadik gave me a lottery ticket, – here, probably, your two lemons.” A lottery ticket, this was his gift. Lena and Roman gave me a set of dishes. Probably, they were asked about it by Nina. The fun was in full swing. Everyone joked, drank, talked and laughed. We remembered our last trip to the country with four people (I, Nina, Lena and Roman). Then, playing in a gazebo in a dominoes, Roman made a “fish”, but the chip from his hand flew into the pond and we then argued for a long time, it is considered a “fish” or not without a domino. “When are you going to the country?” Roman asked me. “Yes, I do not know yet, the car is under repair.” – “Something you often repair it.” “After all, she’s old, she’s already been a year old.” “We have no money for new money,” said Nina, “we have a tight fit with money.” Pause. “Sergei has not brought money to the house for several months.” – “Yes, they should list here, but have not yet listed.” “I’ve heard these conversations for a year already,” said Nina, “some promises. Yes, because it does not do what it takes. It would be like everything to work, although I would bring a penny to the house. “I was silent, all this was to some extent just. My arguments that large amounts of money are about to break out broke about the wall of mistrust. “Yes, some live by promises alone,” – did not miss the opportunity to insert their “hairpin” Sofia. “And in general, Sergei, I want to tell you,” Nina continued, “I’ve already celebrated your birthday today as a milestone. If nothing changes until today, then, I think, we need to part. I do not intend to support you more. I say it here for all. Are you silent? You have nothing to say. “I was silent. Everything was clear without words. We must urgently look for housing: “Well, until the morning, at least I will not be expelled?” Nina turned away, wiping her napkin tear. Vadim’s voice said: “Look, Seryoga, and you won your ticket.”

Vadim almost did not participate in the general conversation. He poked something (between glasses) in his tablet, which he almost never left. Vadik had a pronounced game addiction. After closing the halls with slot machines, he switched to the Internet. And even when he did not have money (which was most often), he played for “just like that.” And he played in everything. I loved playing chess with him. And we were cut off with chess in chess. “And he won your ticket, Serega.” – “How, where?” “Yes, here, look” – and he handed me a tablet. There was a table on the screen, it was called “Results of the circulation”. In the table were the ticket numbers and winning amounts. “Yes, take it, check it,” and he handed me a ticket that lay on the table. I checked the ticket number and looked at the amount … 30 million rubles. “Thirty million rubles!?” – I was in shock. The tablet with the ticket was taken by Nina. I checked the number and also stopped in the pause. The table with the ticket was checked by everyone. “And what will you buy with this money?” Vadim asked. – “I? I’ll buy an apartment, maybe a house outside the city. A new car, Well, well, and the rest can be put in a bank, live on interest.” “Seryozha,” Nina said kindly, “we wanted to put a bathhouse on the dacha…” The woman just kicked her out of the house, and now, as if nothing had happened, she is talking about the bathhouse on her lot. “To the bathhouse?” We’ll put a bath.” – “Seryozha, and maybe we’ll aim at a new house at the dacha?” – “Zamahnemsya.” “Seryozha, but will not you help me with money in the exchange of an apartment?” – asked, or rather, Sophia asked. “Yes, wait for you, I have not received any money yet.” “Offering a toast! For the birthday millionaire!” – Roman shouted. All climbed up to me to clink glasses. I started to like the role of a millionaire. And how much is 30 million rubles? Half a million, even more. So, after all, I’m not a full-fledged dollar millionaire. Well, nothing, and that’s enough for me. My foot under the table touched the neighbor’s leg. To my right sat Lena. She took off her shoe and stroked my foot with her toe. Lena, I had long been sympathetic, she certainly knew about it. And now what? I looked at her, but she looked away. “And let’s dance!” – Lena grabbed my hand and dragged me to the middle of the room. I made music on the move more loudly and we began to perform a slow dance with her. Nobody supported us anymore. Everyone at the table, except Vadim, who seems to have fallen asleep, was discussing my winnings. Lena sexually clung to me and whispered in my ear: “Seryozha, would you like to retire with me?” – “Where to retire?” – “Well, somewhere, for example, in the bathroom.” “So they will see.” – “But we do not notice, we’ll go by turns”. “Yes, it’s uncomfortable, your husband is here, and Nina is next to you.” – “How would you like me to caress you?” – “In different ways.” – “I would like to …", and she whispered in her ear hot words about the most intimate caresses. The music was over, Sofia grabbed me by the arm, tearing her dance partner out of her arms and dragging her into the kitchen: “Serezha, we need to talk urgently.” We sat down at the kitchen table, cluttered with dirty dishes. Sofia closed the door more tightly and whispered conspiratorially: “Seryozha! You do not want your money to be a dead weight? I am currently engaged in one very, very serious project of network marketing. I make you my partner and we invest money (the more, the better), getting multiple profits. Agree. " – “I’ll think about it”. “What’s there to think about, the project is right.” – “OK let’s see”. “Seryozhenka, you’ve always liked me”, – Sophia sat closer and took my hands in hers. Her blue eyes looked unblinking. In general, Sofia was a beautiful woman. A little malicious, somewhere evil but beautiful. – “Maybe we could somehow meet somewhere, for example, I have?” – “But I’m married, after all.” “Come on, where are you married?” There is no stamp in the passport, so it’s not married. “She approached me even closer and whispered in my ear: “We will be with you a beautiful couple.” Today, on a holiday, Sofia dressed in a dark green dress with a deep neckline. And now, bending over, she brought my almost completely bared white heavy breasts close to my face. “Come tomorrow to me, I will do anything for you. Do you want to go straight today, right now? “She embraced me, my hands also reached out to her body. And then the owner of the apartment, Sister Sofia, entered the door without knocking. “Sophia, come out,” said Nina sharply, “leave us alone with your husband.” Sofia hurried to get out. Nina sat down in her place: “Serezha, I’m sorry, I’ve told you a lot of unfair things today. Forgive me for God’s sake. I just got penniless. But now everything will be different. We are living a real life. And we will be a happy happy family. Nina’s eyes filled with tears again: “Do not leave me, Seryozha, because you and I have been together for so long, have experienced so much. I love you, Seryozha. Do you love me? – “Yes.” – “Well, that’s nice. Now everything will be new. I will do only what you want. You will be a real Master in our house, “and she laid her head on my shoulder. So we sat and were silent. And what can I say? “Tomorrow we’ll go and find out where to get this money. Yes, Seryozha?” -" Yes. “We sat and were silent for a while. “By the way, where’s the ticket, Sergei, do you have it?” – “No, I stayed there, on the table, probably.” “Let’s go get him and put him in a safe place” – Nina got up and we went from the kitchen, holding hands. There was no ticket on the festive table in the living room.

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