Weathercocks. Zeremid

Weathercocks. Zeremid
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It may seem strange to some, but history is not made by outstanding people. They just remember the brightest provocateurs. Pharaohs, heroes, prophets, generals. They remain in the memory of mankind. You can’t put a whole crowd of people in history books. This same crowd, if they feel the benefits of the idea and make history. And it trivializes the great idea itself. It destroys kings, generals, and great heroes.


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© Almaz Braev, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0053-0080-5

Created with Ridero smart publishing system



When the prophet addresses the crowd, he appeals to her out of sympathy. He alone sees himself in it. He knows the way out. Furthermore, he makes a new choice of people’s fate. But the crowd sees its benefits in the new life. Each person has their sun its guiding star, which warms separately only for him. Therefore, the prophet is doomed. Even if he were lucky, he would defeat the old Pharisees and lead the crowd into a new world. Pharisee’s convicted prophet, his most loyal companions are doomed; when a mob comes to a new world, it no longer needs prophets; it requires a dictator. The most formidable dictator is known to the people by popular tradition. All the world’s ideas perish, the fate of ordinary people absorbs them. But before people deal with the prophets, then with the opinions, they will make the most loyal, honest, and passionate face. Call these people the Zeremids. Until the crowd, carried away by the prophet, reached the desired goal, these were the most loyal soldiers of the idea. But when the group comes to the plan, to the promised land, then comes the end of the prophecy. The era of tradition is coming. The degradation of an idea begins with its triumph. Then everything goes by inertia. The Zeremids, who have made an honest and dedicated person in the beginning, become the new Pharisees and hypocrites. But why are they hypocritical all the time, all their lives? Because they always knew who they were. The prophets gave them a way out of the untouchable caste, from the rabble caste to the new elite caste. No temple, no church, no government has defeated the Pharisees. They can’t be defeated at all. Because their god is the hierarchy, their gods are tradition.

Chapter I

Who’s in the city center

The fall of the state presupposes the preliminary degradation and devaluation of all state institutions and the complete leveling of the idea of the state among the unconscious masses

The fall is an irreversible destruction of all the basic foundations of the state and the thinking patterns of the unconscious masses.

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The apparent number of fancy mansions and expensive cars against the background of the mining industry and autocracy, what does this mean?

If people want to live in large homes “not for everyone” and ride expensive, prestigious cars-the envy of all, it is a long-known dream. It is an eternal dream, born a long time ago. And this is not a greeting from a difficult childhood or even a hello from low culture. These are all growth issues. From the problem of a particular person in the first place, we are only talking about the plebeian-boorish scale of values burdened by it. We will say more about the personal degradation in short, then about the economic crisis.

What else?

The end of the planned economy? About the new old natural society, burdened with factories and then successfully dismantled for metal and bricks? About the return of traditional culture, the revival of the old Testaments of the fathers and ancestors?

The decline of culture goes along with economic decline.

For example, in the Middle Ages, among the bourgeoisie from the suburbs, where the rabble lived, the same rumors also circulated. And the new townspeople also slept and saw themselves living on a rich street. The simplest thing is in rich clothes, that is, to begin with, in a rich dress.

Political urbanization. When the actions of the top become an ideology, imitation is the face and activity of large masses. People move from place to place. In a new business, they immediately agree on how to behave. People have always migrated somewhere. The always some need or violence forced them to leave their homes. To compensate for travel expenses, the new migrant contract made sense. The meaning of any compensation is compensation for losses. The fastest way to recover costs is through speculation. Everyone starts selling what they have. All migrants in the world do this, either sell things or sell themselves. But among the new immigrants, some want to build a house. Immediately and in the center. According to traditional values, new settlers are traditionalists; as a rule, living in the center means having power. And such a habit – to get into a public position – is the most promising. If they lived at home… But all the migrants live in a new place. Where only speculators live and trade now. This means that the most successful provincials will now rule and enrich themselves (immensely) in the center of the new world. So, that everyone can see at once. This is certainly not good. This isn’t good. Horrible. But who can blame them? They had moved from place to place in a motley, impersonal mass. They need to survive somehow live.

The reflexes of the provincial and suburbs are familiar to them from childhood. Furthermore, they use the techniques they have memorized and worked on at home. In developing societies, the suburbs’ rehabilitation (philistinism) is always relevant. They need a deadline. (It’s not just a matter of tribal orientation – in the suburbs, kinship is forgotten, but a primal craving for blood remains).

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